
Showing posts from July, 2020

Eid-ul-Adha: Comr. Olayinka Owolabi Classic celebrate with Muslim across Nigeria.

31th July, 2020. "Eid-ul-Adha commemorates the trial and triumph of Prophet Ibrahim (ASW), the holy prophet sailed through, because of his perseverance and strong will to sacrifice his personal comfort. Former Students Union Government Public Relations officer of Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara Hon. Comr.  Olayinka Owolabi Classic has felicitated with Muslim Ummah on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha festival.   "I congratulate our Muslim brothers and sister all over, as we live to witness and celebrate another Eid-ul-Adha.  This year has been a challenging one, especially Youths but we must persevere and empathize with ourselves, during and beyond the festive period, as Allah (SWT) dictates". "I urge us all, to see the global pandemic as a trial and play our respective parts, as the sacrifice required to conquer and come out of this travail stronger.  We must take responsibility and be our brother's keeper".  While enjoining Nigerian and Youths to celebrate with

Students Should Not Pay More Than #3000 For Form, Bank Charges And Cafe Charges -Adigun Noted

By General Jamo The Students Union Government President Federal Polytechnic Offa Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun mrm have stated that applicants for National diploma (full time) should not pay more three thousand Naira for the form at any cafe. Comrade Adigun through his Director of Media and Publicity, General Jamo made the clarification today in response to speculations that some students are being exorbitantly charged to for the application form by some cafe owners. He said the move is part of the Siwes Agenda to oppose and combat any form of extortion. Adigun said "in as much as our collaboration with the school management has made the forms very affordable, we will not cold our arms and watch any computer center to inflict any hardship on our students again. "This is not a talk show but we mean the business and ready to tackle any cafe who hike the price of the form beyond proportion. "We heard some are charging three thousand five hundred naira (3,500) or more for full

Fedpoffa First Semester Result, At last Adigun Voice Out

By General Jamo Sequel to the release of the first semester examination result of the fastest growing polytechnic in Nigeria, Federal Polytechnic Offa, The Students Union Government President of the school, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun mrm has noted that no matter the outcome of the result, it's a challenge to do better. The president stated this in a chat with his Director of Media and Publicity, General Jamo which was made available to newsmen today. Comrade Adigun charged Students who performed excellently not to relent while he urged those that did not meet up with expectations not to feel bad but renew their strength to achieve their future desires. According to him, "Either you have a good grade point or not, life Continues, so sucide is not an option,  you can still make it better". The president however reiterated his Commitment to always fight for the interest of the students.