Result Clearance Resumes on Monday, See what's New

By General Jamo Clearance to resume on Monday after fumigation When we are to choose between life and living, we have to make sure that we protect our lives to be able to live happily. On our efforts to allow our intending candidates clear their results and do their registration for admission process, we have also realized we must protect the lives and wellbeing of the students from being infected by the Corona virus disease. On this note we're ensuring all the concerned Students that the clearance is currently pending to allow the management fumigate the campo and will resume on Monday August 17, 2020. However all students should come for the clearance as soon as possible because any delay will not be considered! Any questions or clarification will be addressed all the time, SUG PRO on 08059689249 or the SUG president, Comrade Adigun mrm through his Director of Media and Publicity, General Jamo on 07068834507