
Showing posts from May, 2020

Let those who have ears should listen to what the spirit is telling the church_ Ondo South People warns APC

There are many reasons for the Governorship Ticket should be given to the Ondo South Candidate,Chief Alexander Olushola Oke. Let us look it from the three major problems Ondo South People are facing,which are;  Security  Lack of Infrastructures,and  Power(Light) SECURITY None of us will say we are okay with the way Insecurities get increasing in Ondo South. Many people couldn't go to their daily businesses cause of this problem. The issue of kidnapping has become rampant in this district because of the 'I don't care attitude' of the Security officials. The miscreants kept abducting people of this district on a daily basis that made it hard for people to feed themselves and to move freely cause of the fear and uncertainties of who the next abductee would be. Investors cannot invest cause of this kidnapping,now imagine the opportunities the Ondo South people are loosing. The incumbent governor is being brief on this development but he continues to turn deaf ears. This is


  When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan. —Proverbs 29:2.Do you have a path to enjoy to the fullest without trying to take a chance? The most heinous sin that I believe can be ever committed is the one reflecting back to you,like denying yourself access to oxygen,Who does that? If the wealth of a rich state like Ondo is properly annexed by a visionary,copacetic and starry-eyed leader then Ondo State will become the America or China of our dreams.How will someone who has served as the governor of a state without any direct or indirect benefit has the effrontery to try tell me some new stories about why I should put my life on hold for another four years.Things are not done that way.Let us do the needful this time around and risk our all by giving power back to the people.So,if we will be just with ourselves, we know the leading candidate whose résumé suits the job and has the requisite skill to lead us to the promise land is Chief Olusola O


CHIEF ALEXANDER OLUSOLA OKE VIABLE OPTION FOR BETTER ONDO 2020. In assertion of a well meaning Patriotic ambassadors and individuals assessment of personality whose commitment towards seeing to a prosperous evolution of his dear land; it's imperative to take into cognisanse certain prerequisites for eligibility is beyond meagre choice of selection. Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. A man with impeccable antecedents, an aborigene of Ilowo in Ilaje local government area of Ondo state. *BRIEF:*  Oke was born on 7 April 1956 in Ilowo, a coastal town in Ilaje Local government Area of Ondo State. Despites all odds encounters in cause of attaining Western Education,wrestled with the wicked conspiracy of poverty and social deprivation that almost prevented him from being educated. Between 1963 and 1973, he engaged in subsistence high sea fishing, a career in which he acquired great fame. His quest for knowledge compelled him to ab

Breaking: Libration Movement Are The Impersonators- Adigun Tells Fedpoffites

By General Jamo (See photos) The Students Union Government President, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun mrm has received a leadway on some people impersonating him to woo and defraud unsuspecting Students on social media. This exclusive information was sent to by the Director of media and Publicity to the SUG President comrade General Jamo. According to the release, Some students who preferred not to be mentioned hinted the president on the issue with a clear evidence. One of the alleged perpetrators with the phone number 07036883871 who claimed to be a member of Libration Movement later admitted to the allegations while chatting with comrade Adigun on WhatsApp. The president however noted that damages that have been caused by the people are too many of which fedpoffites are calling for justice. Meanwhile all efforts to reach the said number 07036883871 by proofed abortive as at the time of filling this report.

Congratulations Our Uncommon Olofa, Adigun And Fedpoffites Felicitate

By General_Jamo (Dir of Media and Publicity to the SUG President) It's an unarguable assertion in the world over that an excellent performance deserves commendation just as bad one demands condemnation. This remain the imperatives why commendation, adoration, Appreciation, exaltation and uncountable acknowledgement and Encomium Continue to roll in for the traditional grandmaster and custodian of Offa heritage and the Olofa of the ancient Offa kingdom, His imperial Majesty, Oba Mufutau Gbadamosi Esuwoye II (Adebe tunbeshe, Asholudero, Adekilekun, Adegboyega Atinuola mola)  kaaabiesi oooo...... The most efficient way also in the Yoruba school of thought for better performance is Encouragement (Yini Yini kenishemi) While you have constantly Continued to elevate Our dear Anamo kingdom to an enviable height among its counterparts in the Yoruba descent and even among the global Community, you continue to make us happy for being a product of Offa. Your ten years reign as the Olofa of Off

The outcome of 20 years of May-8 Commemoration

By General Jamo It is good to remember the past for it reminds us the sacrosanct lessons of those times, it is better to concentrate on the present time since it is where experiences are useful while the best is to focus on the future for a desirable life and living for coming generations. This was the Import of the virtual conference participated by management, Students and members of the alumni association of The Federal Polytechnic Offa as well as stakeholders in offa Community to Commemorate May, 8, 2000 in the history of the Federal Polytechnic Offa and Offa Community. The meeting which held on the telegram platform had an impressive turnout. In his address, The lead presenter who went down memory lane submitted that the may-8 incident was not automatic but born out of uncontrollable incidents that must be forgiven and forgotten in a bid to sustained the pro-May8 initiated peace and unity. Several speakers among whom were The Students Union Government President, Comrade Abiola Aze

Fedpoffa E-learning Scam Alert -Adigun Raises Alarm

By General_Jamo The SUG president, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun mrm has called on Students of the polytechnic to be aware of some fraudulent people who have begun to scam unsuspected fedpoffites in the pretext of fedpoffa E-LEARNING Portal. Abiola Azeez Adigun mrm SUG PRESIDENT Comrade Adigun stated this in a release signed by the SUG PRO Comrade Isiaq Adesoji and filled for by the Director of media and Publicity to the SUG president Comrade GENERAL JAMO. The president said, the report of the scam was sent to him by Students who have received a message from 09078626517 which is directing them to pay a sum of five thousand naira, to a dedicated account to access the E-LEARNING Portal. According to Adigun Mrm, the management is not charging the students for the service and any financial request in that regard should be neglected. He however urged fedpoffites to spread the news that no one should pay any money to anyone online noting that t

Happy New Month Kwarans Challenges will end in May; Be Hopeful

It's with great optimism and prioritized passion I bring forth my Solidarity, courtesy of the fifth month of the Challenging year 2020. I start by saying Happy New Month. Happy New 'May'. Just as Kwara state is my own Saudi Arabia, my Jerusalem and my America I must always stand to redeem your hope on a consistent interval and revive the assurance that all our Challenges will not kill us but make us stronger! Coincidentally, Ramadan is here to catalyze our yearnings to the almighty creator who will ease our suffering and replace it with unprecedented Fortune and enjoyments. I want us to be our brothers keeper, be prayer and take duty for the progress of Kwara state. Once again who so love Kwara will be prosperous. Much love and Commitment from Hon Muhammad Onikola Oyawoye Special adviser to the Kwara state Governor Mallam Abdulrasaq Abdulrahmon on Monitoring and Evaluation.