School Resumption: Adigun Debunks Rumour, Warns Students against Fake News

By General Jamo

The Students Union Government President Federal Polytechnic Offa Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun has warned Students to be cautious of several fake news circulating on social media on the purported school resumption.


Comrade Adigun in a release by his Director of Media and Publicity General Jamo noted that fedpoffa has not announced any date for school resumption.

He noted that "it has come to the notice of the Students Union Government about a calendar said to be fedpoffa new school calendar, I hereby state categorically that it is fake and not from the school management.

"The calendar slated serial resumption starting from Hnd2 and Nd2 and Hnd1 and Nd1 respectively."

The president said the school has no power to reopen except The Federal Government order every institution to resume.

He however appealed to Students to avoid misleading informations and beware of fraud stressing that the SUG is always ready represent Students interest.

Comrade Adigun urged fedpoffites to stay safyas the fight against coronavirus is not yet over.

The SUG PRO, Comrade Isiaq Adesoji also debunked the calendar, noting that it is said to belongs to a Polytechnic in Osun state.

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