
Showing posts from October, 2020

Dr Mudi Emerges Dean Envir. Faculty, Naess President Congratulates

By General Jamo The president, National Association of Environmental Studies Students, (Naess) Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Adeboye Adedayo best known as P.A has congratulated the newly elected Dean of the Environmental Studies faculty, Dr Adamu Mudi. The president in a release obtained today by wished the new dean a successful tenure and charged him to leverage on the development across the faculty. Comrade P.A on behalf of the students of the faculty promised full cooperation and support in a bid to elevate the standard of the faculty and fedpoffa at large. "I on behalf of all the Amiable Students of this noble faculty felicitate with you on your new accomplishment as the elected Dean if our faulty. "I ensure you of necessary compliment to enable you deliver on your manifesto promises to the faculty", the president wrote. Dr Mudi was a senior lecturer in the department of quantity surveying and has bagged several qualifications in his acade

Only Rag And Indecent Dress are Disallowed on Campus- Adigun Says

 By General Jamo  The Students' Union Government President, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun has clarified that all decent fashions are allowed on the school campuses except rag, torn trousers "Crazy Jean" or half naked dressings. Comrade Adigun stated this today while addressing a group of students on the Activities of the SUG. The SUG president in a reaction to some Students appealing to the union to come to their aid as they were not allowed to enter the school for wearing a specific designer called 'Matured Jean' said the Students are entitled to any type of decent dress without any restriction. Adigun stated that, "We're in the Polytechnic not secondary school, so we don't have specified uniform that's why we can wear any cloth in as much as it doesn't offend decency. "It has come to the notice of the SUG that some students are being disallowed to enter the school for wearing designers and the union will put a st

Fedpoffa Not selling Face Mask- Adigun Cries Out

 By General Jamo The students Union Government President Federal Polytechnic Offa Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun has debunked the speculations that management of the school are selling face mask to Students. The President told on Thursday that the information is a Rumour and should not be regarded. "I'm surprised to see some people spreading fake news that the school is selling face mask to Students at the rate of two thousand naira (#2,000) where as the school is not even selling any face mask. "The Rumour was to cause distraction and the SUG will not allow it going beyond proportion. "I enjoin fedpoffites to come with face mask of their choice as a requirement to enter the school" the president said. He however assured that his SUG administration will always support the management at preventing the infiltration of the virus into the school.

Fedpoffa Resumption: SUG President Reveals Some Secrets

By General Jamo The Management of the Federal Polytechnic Offa, has announced Resumption date for the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic session which was abruptly stopped by the coronavirus pandemic. The Students Union Government President of the school, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun confirmed to on Tuesday that the school will resume on Monday, October 12, 2020 noting that new academic calendar have subsequently been released. Comrade Adigun however stressed the resumption was not business as usual as some precautions have been slated to avoid the spread of the coronavirus among Students. He said, Face mask, hand washing and physical distancing are the lead guidelines that all fedpoffites must be ready to obey in and outside the campus while other measures are also important. In a an earlier release by the SUG Public Relations Officer Comrade Isiaq Adesoji, he noted that safety is the priority of the students Union Government as the school resumes. Part o

Breaking: FG Reopens Schools, See What's New

By General Jamo The federal government of Nigeria has reopened all Federal Universities, Polytechnics, Federal Colleges as well as other concerned learning Centers across the country. Minister for Education, Adamu Adamu announced early Friday morning in Abuja stating that the schools can reopen from October 12, 2020. The Minister noted that the pronouncement came after due consultations with educational stakeholders at all levels. He ordered School managements to begin preparations for the resumption inline with the stipulated standard of the federal government covid19 task force. Reacting to the development, the Students Union Government President, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun said the Resumption is long overdue and expressed happiness urging the entire Nigerian Students to swing into action immediately and give premium to safety in the face of the deadly coronavirus disease. He wished fedpoffites safe Resumption ahead.