
Showing posts from February, 2020

Examination practices An insight pathway to success Examination a responsibility not a burden

Examination are important but increase the stress level of students Stress increases because of parental and community expectations. Every parents want his child to be the best and ignores the fact that students posses different ability. The SUG VP Academic Fatoye Michael Seyifunmi says it would not be wrong to say that examination are a hurdy in making a student actualize his true potentials. Examination is part of excelling in academic process. it is the way which helps in the evaluation and assessment of students progression. Examination is not a burden it is a responsibility. Many says school is sweet but examination makes it bitter. My school of thought states;School is sweet but examination is sweeter.. There is no relation between what we study and what we do in future,In most of the cases our studies are useless.. Mr life stated No students has academic problem,except academic responsibility.You ain't dull as think you are,you are dull because you lack inter

You will Write Exam: Adigun Assures Students Yet To Pay School Fee

Go and collect your exam card even on Sunday -Jamiu Omoniyi General Jamo The Students union government has assured Students who have not been privileged to pay their school fees that they will be allowed to do their examination. The SUG President, comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun confirmed this to noting that it was as a result of SUG appeal to the management for the consideration. The president said the concerned Students should obtain their exam card at the office of the dean of Examination in the school. "Go and collect your exam card even if you have not paid your school fees", Adigun said. Starting from today 23/2/2020, By 9am all concerned students can go to the school exam central office at the mini campus with your admission letter, a passport photograph to collect your Exam Card. He however urged the affected Students to pay their school fees as soon as possible to avoid no evidence of registration which will not allow

You Must Be The Best, Naes President Tell Environmental Students

The president of the National Association of Environmental Studies Students, Naess, Federal Polytechnic Offa, comrade Adeboye Adedayo (P.A) has charged Students of the faculty be the best in the forthcoming examination of the school. Comrade while speaking with noted that as the students representatives in the faculty, the executives are concerned with the Academic Success of the students. Comrade Adedayo said that Success Strategy his administration has always preach is three 'P' (preparation, planning and prayer). According to him, 'no valid excuse for failure' and thus no Student of the faculty should fair under any pretext. He however warned them to stay away from all forms of Examination Malpractices noting that the faculty excos also frown at the illegal act. Comrade PA wished them Success in the examination and the Academic session ahead.

Night Class: Adigun Assures Secured Venue

  Omoniyi Jamiu General Jamo (correspondent) In a bid to ensure peaceful night reading session during the forthcoming examination of The Federal Polytechnic Offa, The Students Union Government has assured that Security and other facilities will be provided across all the accredited venue for the night class. The SUG President, comrade Abiola Azeez declared that night class has commenced from February 17th 2020. This was contained in a statement signed by the PRO Comrade Isiaq Adesoji and obtained from the director of Media and publicity to the SUG President, comrade General Jamo. Adigun noted that as part of his SIWES AGENDA no Student will be exposed to danger, harasment or any form of intimidation throughout the night class period. Olatinwo, olawoyin and Moremi lecture rooms have been revitalized for the night reading. The SUG president urged students to use the advantage to study adequately for the examination. He also warned them not to roam around the schoo

Fedpoffa Exam: SUG Chief Judge Helps Students with Guidelines

EXAMINATION RULES AND PENALTIES FOR MALPRACTICES SPONSORED BY: CHIEF JUDGE OF SUG FEDPOFFA JUSTICE ADEGOLD        _ Offence1 _ 1. Cheating during class tests, Assignments, practical or cheating in any form as may be reported by the course lecturer.         _ Penalty _ ❎Cancellation of such papper with strong warning latter by the Head of Department.      _ Offence2 _   ❎ Having prior knowledge of examination questions        _ Penalty _ 🙆Expulsion       _ Offence3 _ ❎ Possession and/or acquisition of live question paper(s) before an examination is held        _ Penalty _ 🙆Expulsion        _ Offence4 _ ❎ Involvement of examination leakage         _ Penalty _ 🙆Expulsion         _ Offence5 _ ❎ Writing examination before, during or after the Officially specified examination period in an unauthorized place          _ Penalty _ 🙆Expulsion          _ Offence6 _ ❎ Forging any examination document          _ Penalty _ 🙆Expulsion     

Exam malpractice campaign, Congress and Val Party: Fedpoffite Hail SUG

Jamiu Omoniyi General Jamo (Offa) Students of The Federal Polytechnic Offa has Commended the Students Union Government for organizing a peaceful Valentine party for Students of the school. The Val party featured Students Congress where the SUG President, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun addressed the students on the situation of the school and his developmental template which is yielding positive results. According to the president, He is committed to make learning conducive and interesting for the students and also elevate the standard of the school to an enviable height. The party also featured a campaign against Examination Malpractices championed by the SUG vice president Academics, Comrade Micheal Fatoye (Mr Life) According to Mr Life, Students will not be covered by the SUG immunity if involved in any form of Examination Malpractices. The Students were however entertained by several Programs packaged by the SUG Social Directors Comrade Anuoluwapo Timothy (Ap

Video: Borno Shouts at Buhari, See Reasons

Jamiu Omoniyi General Jamo  Source: Residents of Borno state booed President Muhammadu Buhari as his convoy made its way into Maiduguri on Wednesday. Buhari, who had been in Ethiopia since Friday for the African Union summit, headed straight to Borno to condole with the people over the latest Boko Haram attack. On Sunday,  about 30 people were killed  in an attack at Auno, near Maiduguri. As the convoy of the president made its way, some residents shouted in Hausa: “Bama so!” “Bamayi!”, which translates to “We don’t want; we’re not interested.” Borno is a stronghold of the president. Below is a video of people protesting on Wednesday:

Fedpoffa Exam 2020: See What Adigun Says

Jamiu Omoniyi (General Jamo) Collect your exam card  Adigun Charges Students To Double Their Hussle Sequel to the fast approaching first semester examination of the Federal Polytechnic Offa, The Students Union Government President Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun has charged Students of the school to increase their preparedness and study harder in a bid to Excel in the examination. Comrade Adigun breaks silence barely a week he has traveled to represent the school in the ongoing Nigeria polytechnic games association (Nipoga) holding in Kwara State polytechnic, Ilorin. This was contained in a statement signed by the SUG PRO Comrade Isiaq Adesoji and obtained from the director of Media and publicity to the SUG president, Comrade General Jamo. The president noted that examination unlike normal routine lectures required undivided attention, hence, "Students must double their hustle in reading and comprehension. "As part of our Siwes Agenda, we'r

NYSC Increased Allowance: NANS Presidential aspirant, Momentum lauds FG, task corpers on self entrepreneurial devt

Jamiu Omoniyi (Abuja) The Presidential aspirant of the National Association of Nigerian Students', Comrade Akeem Ayinla Ishola a. k. a Momentum has lauded the efforts of the Federal Government of Nigeria for approving the Thirty-three Thousand Naira (N33,000) as monthly allowance for the National Youth service Corps (NYSC) members in the country. Comrade Momentum who disclosed this in a statement by his Media team 'Team Momentum for NANS President' noted that the FG policy at increasing corpers allowances in laudable and a dream comes true. In his statements, Momentum said "The increased allowance will further motivate the Corps members to put their best in the course of serving their father land, improve the financial status of Nigerian Youths and thus encourage entrepreneurship". "With this increments in the corpers allowance, it shows that the President Buhari led-administration is ready to fight for the yearning and aspirations of Niger

Sex For Grades: Nipoga Acknowledges Fedpoffa Campaign

Jamiu Omoniyi (Ilorin) The Nigeria polytechnic games Association, Nipoga has acknowledge the Federal Polytechnic Offa for taking a lead row in campaigning against sex for grade which has remain a dominant parasite eating the Nigeria Education system. The Fedpoffa Sports Team was flanked by a special campaign team while featuring in the Nipoga 2020 hosted by Kwara state Polytechnic, Ilorin. The 'No to sex for grade Team' matched round the Stadium with the banner and vest while chanting "Work for your grades and say no to sex for grade". The team was led by the, Hod mass communication Department, Mr Wole Alawode and the campaign Coordinator, Mr Mujeeb Zakariyau. According to the team, sex for grade is a major challenge facing Nigerian Education expecially at the Tertiary Level. They called on Government and other stakeholders in the education sector to embrace the campaign in a bid to restore sanity to Nigeria institutions. Expliciti