Fedpoffa Exam: SUG Chief Judge Helps Students with Guidelines


1. Cheating during class tests, Assignments, practical or cheating in any form as may be reported by the course lecturer.
❎Cancellation of such papper with strong warning latter by the Head of Department.

❎ Having prior knowledge of examination questions

❎ Possession and/or acquisition of live question paper(s) before an examination is held
❎ Involvement of examination leakage

❎ Writing examination before, during or after the Officially specified examination period in an unauthorized place
❎ Forging any examination document

❎ Refusal to submit oneself for search by an invigilator of the same sex.
Warning letter and cancellation of such paper.

❎ Bringing in to the examination hall any form of scrap paper or any form of extraneous material relevant to the examination.
❎ Bringing into the examination hall any form of scrap paper or any form of extraneous material not relevant to the examination.
🙆Cancellation of such paper with a warning letter.

❎ Exchange of scripts or question papers during an examination.
🙆Rustication for one academic session (Question papers)
❎ Copying or allowing copying by other students from answer booklets, continuation sheets or question papers.
🙆Warning letter/Rustication for one session depending on the gravity of the misconduct.
❎ Disturbance(i.e noise, whistling, abnormal yawing, banging on table, cracking jokes, making fun with lecturer, pulling or dragging of chairs etc.) insubordination or any form of unruly behavior during an examination.
🙆Warning letter/Rustication for one academic session/Expulsion Depending on the gravity of offence
❎ Soliciting for any form of illegal assistance from teaching or non teaching staff as may relate to the examination.
🙆Warning letter/Rustication for one academic session/expulsion depending in the gravity of the misconduct
❎ Any form of communication with a view to avoid performance in an examination.
🙆Cancellation of the paper/Rustication for one academic session/Deduction of 5marks
❎ Writing relevant material on the palm, piece of cloth, body, ruler and so on.
❎ Writing anything relevant to the examination other than name and number of the candidate on the question paper.
🙆Strong warning letter and to score zero in the paper.
❎ Smuggling into or copying from unauthorized books, materials, calculators, or other gadgets in the examination
❎ Destruction or mutilation of any illegally used as aid in an examination
❎ Writing before or after the official timing given by the invigilator for any specified examination
🙆Deduction of 10mark, depending on the gravity of the offences
❎  Failure to submit answer script after any examination
🙆Rustication for one academic s
ession and to score zero in that paper.


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