Examination practices An insight pathway to success Examination a responsibility not a burden

Examination are important but increase the stress level of students
Stress increases because of parental and community expectations. Every parents want his child to be the best and ignores the fact that students posses different ability.

The SUG VP Academic Fatoye Michael Seyifunmi says it would not be wrong to say that examination are a hurdy in making a student actualize his true potentials.

Examination is part of excelling in academic process. it is the way which helps in the evaluation and assessment of students progression. Examination is not a burden it is a responsibility.

Many says school is sweet but examination makes it bitter. My school of thought states;School is sweet but examination is sweeter..

There is no relation between what we study and what we do in future,In most of the cases our studies are useless..
Mr life stated No students has academic problem,except academic responsibility.You ain't dull as think you are,you are dull because you lack interest and discipline..

We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated. Exam must not defeat you, you be the one to defeat it.

You might not be given your dream course,ensure you dream in your given course.

The reason way many fail is because they didn't master what they have learnt..

Take up the responsibility,Study hard,Read extensively, Practice vehemently, Live  an offline life,Set a goal,stay focused and take the bulls by the horn..

The SUG Vice President Academic(Mr life) Wishes Fedpoffites  success in her examinations..

Best of God!!!


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