
Showing posts from 2020

Offa poly SUG Disclaims Allegations of Cultists Award

 DISCLAIMER This is to inform the general public of the purported award circulating the social media given to one unknown and unregistered association named 'Alora' . This is a totally self fabricated award which does NOT emanate from our office but a self made, probably photoshopped by an enemy of progress and that of the Union whom for personal gain and selfish interest trying to tarnish the good Name of our ever progressing Institution and Union. We are using this medium to totally DEBUNK this unfounded award as we are strictly operating an Anti-cultist Union and as students representatives, we decleared such NULLIFIED.  Also, we hereby call on all enemy of progress who want the good Name of our institution bastardized to desist before Nemesis catch-up with them and we TOTALLY distance ourselves as the Students Union Leaders of Federal Polytechnic Offa from the concocted award and we totally stand against it as we always do.  Both students, Alumnai association, host commu

Disclaimer: Sug Offa not affiliated with Cultism

The Students Union Government, Federal Polytechnic Offa has debunked the speculations that it is linked with confraternity on campus. The SUG president, Comrade Abiola Azeez said that the rumors are already on social media and the position of the union is that there is no cultist I campus. The school is cultist-free and the SUG did not award any confraternity. However, members of the public should stay clear of rumors as necessary actions are in Progress to fix the bad eggs behind the rumor.

Sanity Now in SBMS with Asbams Toilet-Akintech says

The president, Association of  school  of business and management studies Students, Asbams, comrade Olaegbe Joseph aka Akintech has noted that cleanliness, health and conveniency are the reasons behind the construction of the Asbams Toilet. Comrade Akintech in a release made available to expressed that the rest rooms will serve all Students of the faculty for a long period. He linked the Success of the project to the cooperation of the Asbams executives and moral support of the Students. According to him, welfare and interest of the students are part of the legacy of the Achievers family which his 'Akintech' regime is sustaining for the Progress of the school of business and management studies, SBMS. Comrade Akintech commended the Solidarity of all departmental president in SBMS adding that Asbams is lucky to have Progressive Stewards like them. The project which was commissioned by the Dean of SBMS, Dr Ebeloku A.I has received a lot of accolade from the

Adigun Supplies Hostel Demands As Hostelites Hail SUG

By General Jamo Commendation and praise have Continue to roll in for the students Union Government Federal Polytechnic Offa over the provision of welfare facilities needed by the school Hostels. The hostelite across the campuses have expressed happiness over the infrastructural intervention and noted that it will improve the well-being of the students in the hostel. Basirat Adebisi, Jolayemi Emanuel as well as Mariam Adeoti while speaking with described the SUG as Students right fighter and pray for better fedpoffa through the Adigun led regime. The SUG president in his reaction noted that toiletries, dustbin, mopping stick, broom, sweeping brush, DStv subscription among others were provided in all the Hostels. Comrade Adigun noted that welfarism is part of his core mandate and will never relent in ensuring the well-being of the students populace. He appealed to the students the be law abiding to ensure Peace and tranquility on the school campuses. Meanwhile, Th

QS President Endorse Ultimate As a Good Ambassador

The president of National Association of quantity surveying students, Federal Polytechnic Offa Comrade Hammed Adeoye aka Crown has identify the students Union Government Treasurer, Comrade Shittu Afees Tunde as a pillar of progress in the department. Comrade crown stated this while commissioning a mini project done by comrade ultimate in the QS department. The president, noted that the wall mirror erected by comrade ultimate will serve the students for a long time. He commended him for putting him Students interest at heart and called on other executive to emulate him in giving back to his people when needed. While speaking, comrade ultimate said the motive of the project was to give back to the students in his Department. He added that despite how small it is, it will remain a sign of value to his people. While he also commended the departmental president for his giant stride in the department so far. "Because I'm a Reformer I'm trained to serve God through humanity and I

Dr Mudi Emerges Dean Envir. Faculty, Naess President Congratulates

By General Jamo The president, National Association of Environmental Studies Students, (Naess) Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Adeboye Adedayo best known as P.A has congratulated the newly elected Dean of the Environmental Studies faculty, Dr Adamu Mudi. The president in a release obtained today by wished the new dean a successful tenure and charged him to leverage on the development across the faculty. Comrade P.A on behalf of the students of the faculty promised full cooperation and support in a bid to elevate the standard of the faculty and fedpoffa at large. "I on behalf of all the Amiable Students of this noble faculty felicitate with you on your new accomplishment as the elected Dean if our faulty. "I ensure you of necessary compliment to enable you deliver on your manifesto promises to the faculty", the president wrote. Dr Mudi was a senior lecturer in the department of quantity surveying and has bagged several qualifications in his acade

Only Rag And Indecent Dress are Disallowed on Campus- Adigun Says

 By General Jamo  The Students' Union Government President, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun has clarified that all decent fashions are allowed on the school campuses except rag, torn trousers "Crazy Jean" or half naked dressings. Comrade Adigun stated this today while addressing a group of students on the Activities of the SUG. The SUG president in a reaction to some Students appealing to the union to come to their aid as they were not allowed to enter the school for wearing a specific designer called 'Matured Jean' said the Students are entitled to any type of decent dress without any restriction. Adigun stated that, "We're in the Polytechnic not secondary school, so we don't have specified uniform that's why we can wear any cloth in as much as it doesn't offend decency. "It has come to the notice of the SUG that some students are being disallowed to enter the school for wearing designers and the union will put a st

Fedpoffa Not selling Face Mask- Adigun Cries Out

 By General Jamo The students Union Government President Federal Polytechnic Offa Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun has debunked the speculations that management of the school are selling face mask to Students. The President told on Thursday that the information is a Rumour and should not be regarded. "I'm surprised to see some people spreading fake news that the school is selling face mask to Students at the rate of two thousand naira (#2,000) where as the school is not even selling any face mask. "The Rumour was to cause distraction and the SUG will not allow it going beyond proportion. "I enjoin fedpoffites to come with face mask of their choice as a requirement to enter the school" the president said. He however assured that his SUG administration will always support the management at preventing the infiltration of the virus into the school.

Fedpoffa Resumption: SUG President Reveals Some Secrets

By General Jamo The Management of the Federal Polytechnic Offa, has announced Resumption date for the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic session which was abruptly stopped by the coronavirus pandemic. The Students Union Government President of the school, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun confirmed to on Tuesday that the school will resume on Monday, October 12, 2020 noting that new academic calendar have subsequently been released. Comrade Adigun however stressed the resumption was not business as usual as some precautions have been slated to avoid the spread of the coronavirus among Students. He said, Face mask, hand washing and physical distancing are the lead guidelines that all fedpoffites must be ready to obey in and outside the campus while other measures are also important. In a an earlier release by the SUG Public Relations Officer Comrade Isiaq Adesoji, he noted that safety is the priority of the students Union Government as the school resumes. Part o

Breaking: FG Reopens Schools, See What's New

By General Jamo The federal government of Nigeria has reopened all Federal Universities, Polytechnics, Federal Colleges as well as other concerned learning Centers across the country. Minister for Education, Adamu Adamu announced early Friday morning in Abuja stating that the schools can reopen from October 12, 2020. The Minister noted that the pronouncement came after due consultations with educational stakeholders at all levels. He ordered School managements to begin preparations for the resumption inline with the stipulated standard of the federal government covid19 task force. Reacting to the development, the Students Union Government President, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun said the Resumption is long overdue and expressed happiness urging the entire Nigerian Students to swing into action immediately and give premium to safety in the face of the deadly coronavirus disease. He wished fedpoffites safe Resumption ahead.

H.O David Gone Too Soon: Adigun Mourn Dean Applied Science

 By General Jamo The Students Union Government President Federal Polytechnic Offa Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun has commiserated with family, friends and associates of the Dean of the school of applied science, Dr H.O David on the demise of the Dean. The president noted that "It comes to us as a rude Shock, the death of the Dean of Applied Science, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Dr H.O David but we realize that death is the inevitable end of man. "We will forever Celebrate your faithfulness and patriotism in the course of civil service and your legacies will be eternally indelible in our minds. "We commiserate with the rector federal Polytechnic Offa, Dr Lateef Adetunji, Faculty of applied science and fedpoffa at large on the irreplaceable lost." He however pray to Allah against the recurrence of such ugly incident. Like General Jamo Solidarity page on Facebook to receive Reliable News and update

School Resumption: Adigun Debunks Rumour, Warns Students against Fake News

By General Jamo The Students Union Government President Federal Polytechnic Offa Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun has warned Students to be cautious of several fake news circulating on social media on the purported school resumption. Fake Comrade Adigun in a release by his Director of Media and Publicity General Jamo noted that fedpoffa has not announced any date for school resumption. He noted that "it has come to the notice of the Students Union Government about a calendar said to be fedpoffa new school calendar, I hereby state categorically that it is fake and not from the school management. "The calendar slated serial resumption starting from Hnd2 and Nd2 and Hnd1 and Nd1 respectively." The president said the school has no power to reopen except The Federal Government order every institution to resume. He however appealed to Students to avoid misleading informations and beware of fraud stressing that the SUG is always ready represent Students interest. Comrade Adigun urge

Result Clearance Resumes on Monday, See what's New

By General Jamo Clearance to resume on Monday after fumigation When we are to choose between life and living, we have to make sure that we protect our lives to be able to live happily. On our efforts to allow our intending candidates clear their results and do their registration for admission process, we have also realized we must protect the lives and wellbeing of the students from being infected by the Corona virus disease. On this note we're ensuring all the concerned Students that the clearance is currently pending to allow the management fumigate the campo and will resume on Monday August 17, 2020. However all students should come for the clearance as soon as possible because any delay will not be considered! Any questions or clarification will be addressed all the time, SUG PRO on 08059689249 or the SUG president, Comrade Adigun mrm through his Director of Media and Publicity, General Jamo on 07068834507

Captain Toye wishes Olofa Royal Birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OLOFA OF OFFA Today is a great day in Offa Kingdom because a true leader of the people is being celebrated. I among the host of all other well wishers in Offa Kwara state, Nigeria and the world at large, will like to felicitate with your royal majesty, for another year on earth and another great year sitting on the Noble throne which is the most revered seat of  Noble men in Offa kingdom. I will boldly say that your Majesty's reign      on the throne of your fathers have been the most remarkable for the dynasty, illustrated by your contributions to the educational, social and cultural development of the people of Offa, both at home and in the Diaspora. You are a great man who has always bravely upheld the values of integrity, hard work and development. Your giant strides will never be forgotten in years to come.  I hereby congratulate you, and pray  that the Almighty Allah will grant you a longer life, good health and more wisdom to sustain the legacies of your fa

Eid-ul-Adha: Comr. Olayinka Owolabi Classic celebrate with Muslim across Nigeria.

31th July, 2020. "Eid-ul-Adha commemorates the trial and triumph of Prophet Ibrahim (ASW), the holy prophet sailed through, because of his perseverance and strong will to sacrifice his personal comfort. Former Students Union Government Public Relations officer of Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara Hon. Comr.  Olayinka Owolabi Classic has felicitated with Muslim Ummah on the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha festival.   "I congratulate our Muslim brothers and sister all over, as we live to witness and celebrate another Eid-ul-Adha.  This year has been a challenging one, especially Youths but we must persevere and empathize with ourselves, during and beyond the festive period, as Allah (SWT) dictates". "I urge us all, to see the global pandemic as a trial and play our respective parts, as the sacrifice required to conquer and come out of this travail stronger.  We must take responsibility and be our brother's keeper".  While enjoining Nigerian and Youths to celebrate with

Students Should Not Pay More Than #3000 For Form, Bank Charges And Cafe Charges -Adigun Noted

By General Jamo The Students Union Government President Federal Polytechnic Offa Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun mrm have stated that applicants for National diploma (full time) should not pay more three thousand Naira for the form at any cafe. Comrade Adigun through his Director of Media and Publicity, General Jamo made the clarification today in response to speculations that some students are being exorbitantly charged to for the application form by some cafe owners. He said the move is part of the Siwes Agenda to oppose and combat any form of extortion. Adigun said "in as much as our collaboration with the school management has made the forms very affordable, we will not cold our arms and watch any computer center to inflict any hardship on our students again. "This is not a talk show but we mean the business and ready to tackle any cafe who hike the price of the form beyond proportion. "We heard some are charging three thousand five hundred naira (3,500) or more for full

Fedpoffa First Semester Result, At last Adigun Voice Out

By General Jamo Sequel to the release of the first semester examination result of the fastest growing polytechnic in Nigeria, Federal Polytechnic Offa, The Students Union Government President of the school, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun mrm has noted that no matter the outcome of the result, it's a challenge to do better. The president stated this in a chat with his Director of Media and Publicity, General Jamo which was made available to newsmen today. Comrade Adigun charged Students who performed excellently not to relent while he urged those that did not meet up with expectations not to feel bad but renew their strength to achieve their future desires. According to him, "Either you have a good grade point or not, life Continues, so sucide is not an option,  you can still make it better". The president however reiterated his Commitment to always fight for the interest of the students.

What happened when We inspected Hostels, Adigun Speaks on Resumption, others.

By General Jamo The Students Union Government President, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun has reassured Students of the school that the security of their lives and property will always be given premium by his SUG administration. Comrade Adigun stated this today,w inspecting Students' hostel within and outside the school The inspection team had the chief security officer, Mr Maahood Ibrahim in attendance. Adeife hostel, Ptf hostel, boys hostel Among others in mini campus as well as all hostel in the permanent site were all inspected to ensure that the property Students left behind are secured. The SUG President however visited major Hostels outside the campus, such as Life hostel, blue hostel,  Allahu villa among others to check on the welfare of the students who are still in offa and ensure that the rooms of Students who are at home are not invaded. The students were very excited upon sighting the SUG President and his entourage as prayers were reeled out in en

Fedpoffa Solar Auto Hand sanitizer: Sug Hails Management, SLT

By General Jamo The federal Polytechnic Offa has taken a leadway in its Contributions to the fight against the novel corona virus with the invention of solar powered automated hand sanitizer,  solar power automated pet toilet system and hand cap system. The equipments were produced by the Science laboratory technology department of the school led by Dr Christiana Olafimihan and were commissioned today by the Rector, Dr Lateef Olatunji at the mini campus of the school. In his address, The Rector noted that fedpoffa will not relent in its efforts to contribute to National development expecially at this pandemic period. He commended the commitment of the department noting that the equipment will help prevent the contraction of the deadly coronavirus. The Rector also appealed to Students of the school to observe all preventive measure and stay safe from the virus in their respective places. In his reaction, the Students Union Government President, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun Lauded the sch

Let those who have ears should listen to what the spirit is telling the church_ Ondo South People warns APC

There are many reasons for the Governorship Ticket should be given to the Ondo South Candidate,Chief Alexander Olushola Oke. Let us look it from the three major problems Ondo South People are facing,which are;  Security  Lack of Infrastructures,and  Power(Light) SECURITY None of us will say we are okay with the way Insecurities get increasing in Ondo South. Many people couldn't go to their daily businesses cause of this problem. The issue of kidnapping has become rampant in this district because of the 'I don't care attitude' of the Security officials. The miscreants kept abducting people of this district on a daily basis that made it hard for people to feed themselves and to move freely cause of the fear and uncertainties of who the next abductee would be. Investors cannot invest cause of this kidnapping,now imagine the opportunities the Ondo South people are loosing. The incumbent governor is being brief on this development but he continues to turn deaf ears. This is


  When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan. —Proverbs 29:2.Do you have a path to enjoy to the fullest without trying to take a chance? The most heinous sin that I believe can be ever committed is the one reflecting back to you,like denying yourself access to oxygen,Who does that? If the wealth of a rich state like Ondo is properly annexed by a visionary,copacetic and starry-eyed leader then Ondo State will become the America or China of our dreams.How will someone who has served as the governor of a state without any direct or indirect benefit has the effrontery to try tell me some new stories about why I should put my life on hold for another four years.Things are not done that way.Let us do the needful this time around and risk our all by giving power back to the people.So,if we will be just with ourselves, we know the leading candidate whose résumé suits the job and has the requisite skill to lead us to the promise land is Chief Olusola O


CHIEF ALEXANDER OLUSOLA OKE VIABLE OPTION FOR BETTER ONDO 2020. In assertion of a well meaning Patriotic ambassadors and individuals assessment of personality whose commitment towards seeing to a prosperous evolution of his dear land; it's imperative to take into cognisanse certain prerequisites for eligibility is beyond meagre choice of selection. Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. A man with impeccable antecedents, an aborigene of Ilowo in Ilaje local government area of Ondo state. *BRIEF:*  Oke was born on 7 April 1956 in Ilowo, a coastal town in Ilaje Local government Area of Ondo State. Despites all odds encounters in cause of attaining Western Education,wrestled with the wicked conspiracy of poverty and social deprivation that almost prevented him from being educated. Between 1963 and 1973, he engaged in subsistence high sea fishing, a career in which he acquired great fame. His quest for knowledge compelled him to ab

Breaking: Libration Movement Are The Impersonators- Adigun Tells Fedpoffites

By General Jamo (See photos) The Students Union Government President, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun mrm has received a leadway on some people impersonating him to woo and defraud unsuspecting Students on social media. This exclusive information was sent to by the Director of media and Publicity to the SUG President comrade General Jamo. According to the release, Some students who preferred not to be mentioned hinted the president on the issue with a clear evidence. One of the alleged perpetrators with the phone number 07036883871 who claimed to be a member of Libration Movement later admitted to the allegations while chatting with comrade Adigun on WhatsApp. The president however noted that damages that have been caused by the people are too many of which fedpoffites are calling for justice. Meanwhile all efforts to reach the said number 07036883871 by proofed abortive as at the time of filling this report.