
Showing posts from January, 2022

Naoss Applauds Oyetola, commends His Foresight on Education

By Jamiu Omoniyi (osogbo) The president, National Association of Osun started students, Naoss, comrade Yussuf Agboola best known as Justice has described Governor Adegboyega Oyetola as a God sent to the education sector of the state. Comrade Justice in a statement by his special Adviser on Media and public engagement, Comrade Jamiu Omoniyi, in osogbo identified Governor Oyetola as a visionary leader who has priority for the future of the state. He noted that the impacts of the Governor at all levels of the state education is commendable, ranging from primary and secondary school reforms which has revived the old glory and values of Osun students in primary and secondary schools. Comrade Justice stressed that the uninterrupted academic calendar in the state owned tertiary institutions was not unconnected to the enhanced investment of the governor in all the needs of the institutions, which include Staff welfare, infrastructure and administrative restructuring. According to the president

Task Govt for Tangible Asset: Osun DSS Boss Advises Naoss

By Jamiu Omoniyi (Osogbo  •   I belong to the Youth constituency - Folohunso   The Director, Department of state Services, DSS, Osun state command, Folohunsho Alade has charged the leadership of the National Association of Osun State Students, Naoss and other students bodies in the country to Task government and stakeholders on provision of Tangible things in academics and infrastructure in a bid to secure a desirable future for the students folks. The Director dole out the advice while hosting The Naoss National President-Elect and his executives in his office in osogbo. Folohunsho who expressed confidence in the newly elected executive charged them to imbibe the culture of future demands instead of the petty stuffs that diminish the standard of the vibrant platform. According to him, "students should be visionary to bring development to the country as we envisioned that in the next ten years, out students will be favorably positioned in the society. "For Nigeria to be great

Osun Govt Meet Naoss Exco, Seal Plan on Bursary payment to Students

By Jamiu omoniyi (Osogbo) Government of the state of osun has reaffirmed its commitment to leverage on its investment on education,Students and youth development in a bid to secure an enviable future for the coming generation in the state. The senior special assistant to the Governor on Youth and social mobilization, Comrade Kehinde Ayantunji gave the assurance noting that peace and tranquility in the state is owing to mutual rapport established by Governor Gboyega Oyetola with the youth and students force. Comrade Ayantunji while presiding over a joint meeting of the executives of National Association of Osun State Students, Naoss and students indigenous association which held at the conference center of the ministry of education Abere expressed the readiness of the Governor to motivate the students of the state schooling in tertiary institutions across Nigeria and in diaspora by paying them Bursary. He charged all the students to remain focused on their studies and be a good ambassad

Students is Above 70percent Relevance in Poll: Osun commissioner stated During Naoss Visit

By Jamiu Omoniyi (Osogbo) The strength of Students and youth can not be undermined in the societal system and elections owing to their dominant percentage of the society. Osun state commissioner for land and physical planning, Hon Nathaniel Agunbiade made the remark today in his office while playing host to newly elected National executives of The National Association of Osun State Students, Naoss. Hon Agunbiade who assured the association of his complement where and when necessary urged them to be all inclusive in their operations as prospective leaders of tomorrow. He charged the student leaders to reciprocate the good gesture of Governor Oyetola on education and students related matters by supporting his progressive agenda beyond 2022 as he stressed that the Governor is Students friendly and a futuristic leader. In his address, The National President-Elect, Comrade Yusuf Agboola, best known as Justice Described Naoss as umbrella body for all Osun State Students established to protec

Iragberi is for Oyetola, Oba Folohunso Assures as He receives Naoss President-elect

The Aragberi of Iragberi land, Oba Folohunso Makanju Ilufeminloye has reassured the support of Iragberi Indigenes for Governor Gboyega Oyetola in his bid to elongate his progressive service for the state of Osun till 2026. The monarch gave the assurance while playing host to the president-elect for National association of Osun State Students (NAOSS) NHQ comrade Yusuf Agboola best known as Justice and his executives and stakeholders of the association in his palace in Iragberi, Egbedore local Government area of the state. The election of NAOSS where Comrade Yusuf Agboola and his executives tagged “Intellectualism Epoch” was conducted on the 30th of December 2021 at the NUJ press center Osogbo Oba Makanju while addressing the gathering lauded numerous achievements of the Oyetola Administration which he said has elevated the standard of the state. He added that he is happy that Iragberi produced the Naoss president during his reign as the traditional ruler of the town. In his remarks, Com