
Showing posts from December, 2019

School Fees Will Be Reduced, Adigun Gives 100% Assurance

The Students Union Government President, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Abiola Azeez Adigun has enliven the hope of the students on his promise to reduce the tuition fees of the school which some students described as exorbitant fees. Comrade Adigun spoke through the Public Relations Officer, Comrade Isiaq Adesoji in reaction to many students Agitations that  SUG should ensure the review of the school fees. The Union president emphasized that moves to annex support for the realization of the school fees review has begun and all stakeholders will be carried along including the Media. "We want the school management to know that we mean Business and this is not a talk show. "We're ready to achieve what will be celebrated as improvement of the well-being of the students. "On that note it is a matter of soonest time because the school management are also passionate about the development of the school". Adigun noted. Adigun however enjoined the studen

Registration Not Closing SUG Tackles Management Urges Students To Await Reduction Of School Fees

Fedpoffites Be Calm SUG Say No To Extortion The students union government, federal polytechnic Offa, has assured the students of the institution that registration is still ongoing and that the school fees will be reviewed. The SUG made the statement to counter a release issued by the management indicating that registration will close on Sunday, 20th of January 2020. The press release of the management Nullified by the SUG SUG president, comrade Abiola Azeez (Adigun) who spoke through the PRO, Comrade Isiaq Adesoji described the management decision as a way of compelling the students to pay the outrageous school fees. He assured them that it is not possible for the school to terminate their Studentship so far they have accepted their admission. Recall that SUG in a report published today by has placed embargo on the school fees and ordered the immediate stoppage on its payment till it reviewed. Adigun said, "The management promised to ho

Embargo on School Fee, Adigun orders Immediate Stop On Payment

The Students Union Government has given an order stopping Students of the institution from payment of the school fees because of alleged misappropriation. The SUG president, comrade Abiola Azeez (Adigun) gave the order today saying the SUG has met with management on the condition that the school fees should be reviewed. Comrade Adigun noted that the Move become necessary as Students clamour poor facilities despite the exorbitant fees being paid. "As we promised out students that their welfarism is our concern, The school management upon our request to meet them for school fees review has scheduled a meeting with us second week after resumption. "This calls for us to instruct our students to stop the payment while the discussion lasts." Adigun noted. The President through the PRO, Comrade Isiaq Adesoji expressed that returning Students (ND2 and HND2) are not supposed to pay for Students handbook (Manual) which they already have. President Adigun emphasized

Best Southwest Governor In 2019. You Will Be Surprised

2019, A year of Stewardship, Who is the best governor in Southwest. People's reactions will surprise you

Yuletide: Adigun Felicitates, Charges Christians on Love, Tolerance, Commitment, Says Fedpoffa Progress Lies On All

The Students Union Government president, Federal Polytechnic Offa, Comrade Abiola Azeez (Adigun) has felicitated with Christian Students and Lecturers of the Fastest Growing Polytechnic in Nigeria (Fedpoffa) on the occasion of the Annual Christmas celebration. Comrade Adigun in a statement obtained today by through the SUG Public Relations Officer, comrade Isiaq Adesoji urged Christian faithfuls to reflect on the lessons of the Christmas. Adigun stated that, "The birth of Jesus Christ teaches Love, Tolerance, Commitment and Solidarity which we must all inculcate so as to sustain the peace reining in Fedpoffa. "We must be our brother's keeper, avoiding discrimination, favouritism and injustice. "We must all see the progress of the school as our individual and collective responsibilities and by so doing, success is assured". The President thereafter appealed to all and sundry to avoid any encounter that may prone them to Danger

Yuletide: Student Activist salutes, charges Christians on Agape Love

I join all meaningful and progressive  Nigerians to congratulates, especially Christians, on the occasion of the Christmas celebration, which marks the birh of Jesus christ,  as we celebrate the spirit of love, God’s omniscience with the birth of Christ. “Irrespective of our religions, languages, ethnics differences, it is known we are all from Adam. We should think always about the legacy of love, mutual respect, and willingness to help one another in good or hard time,” “We call on Nigerians, Youths and Students  to do more to foster love and peace this season and beyond so as to build a better Nigeria of our dream, as we owe the Nation a big obligations to develop and be a better place for all. . We also call for continuous mutual respect and understanding within the faith community and not allow anyone to cause disaffection in the country. We should  remain indivisible so as to sustain the fight of our independent fightters who help us to achieve freedom about 60 year

Not Only New Year But New success Naes President Wishes Environmental Students.

The president, National Association of Environmental Studies Students Naes Federal Polytechnic Offa, comrade Adeboye Adewale (P.A) has wished Students of his faculty greater achievements in the New year, 2020 ahead. Comrade PA in a release obtained by correspondent, Jamiu Omoniyi felicitated with the students and lecturers of the faculty of Environmental Studies expecially, the Christian faithfuls. "As we are responsible to every Students, I will commemorate with all Christians on the occasion of Christmas 2019 and wish everyone a successful New year ahead. It is not enough to celebrate New year but to struggle for new level and new accomplishment", the president Said. He however charge them to be moderate in their activities while the Yuletide last.

NAPS Senate President Lauds CBN New Policy On Electronic Transfer, Says Students Will Be Relieved.

The Senate President, National Association of Polytechnic Students, NAPS, Comrade Ibrahim Seriki has commended The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN over the new guidelines on Bank charges. According to a release by the Senate president, the new policy if implemented will ease the suffering of the Nigerian Students. Parts of the statement reads, "The Senate leadership of National Association of Polytechnic Students (NAPS) receives in great joy the reduction of exorbitant bank charges. This development came at a point most needed by Nigerian Students populace considering the financial instability groaning the Nation". Recall, CBN on Sunday announced the guideline which reviewed downward electronic transfer and ATM charges as well as card maintenance fees. According to the Apex bank, bank customers will now pay N10 for electronic transfers below N5,000, and N25 for electronic transfer between N5,000 and N50,000. Only electronic transfer above N50,000 will attract N5

Sug Not on Holiday: See Reasons

A man without backup; they say is a potential fuck-up. Putting this into consideration was the reason why the Students Union Government led by President Abiola Azeez (Adigun) has decided to skip their Festive Holiday so as to cater for special needs of the students. Comrade Adigun emphasized that Sug on daily basis attends to Students issue since the beginning of the break. The Sug President who spoke with through the Public Relations Officer, comrade Isiaq Adesoji Stressed that the Siwes Agenda of the Sug 19/20 is still ongoing during the break. He however urged Students who may be facing  any challenge to reach the Sug through Pro on 0811 295 4566, 07068834507.

Be Careful, Reformation Coordinator Advises Fedpoffa Students

The Coordinator, Reformation Movement Nigeria, Federal Polytechnic Offa chapter, comrade Kareem Oluwanisola (Horlax) has admonished the students to be careful during this festivities and avoid any dangerous undertaking. The Coordinator gave the advise today while speaking with in offa, kwara state. Comrade Horlax noted that Reformation movement is passionate about the well-being of the students. According to him, "Festival will come and go, but we should stay away from anything that can make festival to take our lives or property along. "Every human endeavor depends on health and peace of mind. So we in Reformation movement is always pleased to see you in good status. "All progressive minded students are free to join Reformation movement as it is an avenue to achieve academic and moral excellence." Comrade Horlax however wish them merry Christmas and happy New year in advance and wish them peaceful return in advance to the fast

Photos: Fedpoffa Matriculation Albums Your friend is there

Photo is an essential Entertainment factor. See funny and intersecting moments at the the Fedpoffa 26th  Matriculation ceremony on Friday 20th 2019.  Vote for the best picture and the owner wins a giveaway from the SUG PRESIDENT, Comrade Adigun.